Our NYACP Mentorship Program continues to be a valuable and rewarding experience for both mentees and mentors alike! Each month the mentors and mentees connect to answer the mentee's questions regarding ongoing cases, specific issues or practice management. At the end of the session we have a feedback session which gives us some good ideas for how to improve the program going forward.
We are launching the next session September 15th, 2024 which will run through January 15th, 2025. We are looking for interest from our members for those who wish to be considered as both mentees or mentors in this session.
The NYACP Mentorship Program offers NYACP members the opportunity to be paired with experienced collaborative professionals who may provide case or practice guidance, mentoring and advice. This program is open to collaborative attorneys, mental health professionals and financial professionals.
We are seeking applications for Mentors and Mentees for our next session.
Expectations and Guidelines:
- This is a FREE benefit to our members.
- The NYACP Mentorship Committee, a subcommittee of the Membership Committee, will match Mentees and Mentors and handle all inquiries.
- The NYACP Mentorship Committee will be selecting a small number of Mentee-Mentor pairs for this program. All applicants who are not paired for this session will be placed on the waitlist for the next session.
- Each pairing will be for a 4-month period, and may be extended by mutual agreement.
- It is recommended that you meet at least two hours each month (virtual or in-person) to discuss issues of interest or concern to the Mentee. The pair mutually may schedule additional time to communicate as schedules allow.
- All Mentors and Mentees will also be meeting (virtually or in-person) for group discussion and camaraderie at the mid-point and end-point of the session.
- This program is envisioned to provide informal case consultation as well as advice on business practices. This is not a formal training program or apprenticeship; nor should there be an expectation of case observations, although that may be arranged on a case by case basis by mutual agreement.
- The Mentors and Mentees will be periodically asked to provide feedback about the Mentorship Program.
It is NYACP’s mission to empower our members to achieve excellence in their collaborative skills and practice, and we have confidence that this pilot program will provide our new as well as more experienced members with the opportunity to develop and improve their collaborative skills and strengthen connections within our NYACP community.
If you are interested in applying as a Mentor or Mentee, please click the button below to fill out the NYACP MENTORSHIP APPLICATION BELOW
Spring 2025 Applications are due by February 1, 2025. You must be a NYACP member to apply.
NYACP Mentorship Program Application